+91 9047777573 sales@kbandtraders.com

Delta Instruments /

Temperature Gauge 

Industrial Inert Gas Expansion

Type Thermometer

Temperature Gauge Bimetallic Type



We are more than a distributor and sales business and we believe in wholesome transfer of technologies that bring the latest textile printing technology to the doorsteps of garment manufacturers in India, particularly Tiruppur.


To stay ahead of the competition our customers have need to brave through umpteen hurdles, but with us on your side, you can expect us to take upon ourselves to upgrade your printing facilities and remain at par with the best in the world.


Our focus is on our customers and our profits are the smiles we see radiating from them. For us every successful Spoorthi customer is a feather on our cap and the laurels we receive is applause to improve upon our level of preparedness to meet the ever-increasing expectations.